These are the details of Thai Immigration in Sa Kaeo. If you live near to the Cambodian border then you can use and seek assistance at immigration in Sa Kaeo in Aranyaprathet. You can extend your tourist visa at their office or seek assistance with a visa transfer from one passport to another. You can also extend your marriage visa and your retirement visa while at their offices.
Thai Immigration in Sa Kaeo
We have listed their contact details and a map so you can find them. Note that you can also do your 90 day reporting at their offices. Call or email them if you have more questions about your visa status while in Thailand. The immigration office is located at 6th Avenue Interior Aranyaprathet district. Sa Kaeo province.
Details of Thai Immigration in Sa Kaeo
Address : 6 Mahatthai Road, Aranyaprathet District, Sakaeo 27120
Tel: 0-3723-1131
You can also see details for Thai Immigration in Rayong as well as for Thai Immigration in Ranong. People tend to get them confused.
If you are going to apply for a visa extension as a tourist. then the fee is 1,900 tHB and you can wait while the visa is extended for an additional 30 days. If you are going to stay for one year as a marriage or retirement visa. Then you will need to ensure that you documents are in order.
You will also need to to ensure that you meet the financial requirements for this. Search this website for more information on this.Note that once you visa has been extended for one year. You will need a re-entry permit to leave Thailand or your one year visa will be voided when you leave the country.
The Eastern border is Thai Immigration in Trat as well as the Thai Immigration in Chanthaburi which has some of the most scenic views in Thailand.